Wednesday, April 16, 2008
These are the things that I am going to talk about. Words are things that came across me most of the time. I use the bullet point that I learned in Multimedia Web module. Guess I will be able to make my own blogskin and stuff like that.
- Passwords
- Taboo, Guess word game
- Keywords
- Java, HTML, Uses of words
Life is getting more and more complicated. I need to remember alot of passwords to log in to certain things. For example, the other day I forgotten my neopets's password. It's case sensitive and I need to email the "neopets team" to get it back. Imagine emailing and waiting for it is already so troublesome, you still need to make up some stories to convince the person reading your mail on the other end.
To make it worse, the person on the other end is really HUMAN! Not just any human but someone who is cruel. Despite the pitiful begging, he say something like I didn't say out anything that makes him believe that I can be the real owner of the account. What he wants is something personal.
Wow! I found the "story" I used to beg my account back. Of course I need to put other things like my neofriends or pet's equipment things.
The message that I type...
I remember my email, username and password. Recently I tried logging into neopets, it requires me to type in my birth date as well. Since I did not use my own birth date when signing up, I could not remember it. Please help me in anyway to retrieve my account as I have been playing neopets since primary school. I want to get back to neopets again!
Not convincing right? but nevermind, at least he send me back my birth date which I ridiculously, anyhow type at that time. Then later I return his favour by typing something to thank him.
OMG... Thank you so much! Now i can access back my neopets account! Sorry for any inconvenience made and thank you once again!
Then he replied...
The account was frozen for using internet acronyms such as "WTF" or "LMAO". We consider this inappropriate language despite being acronyms. The account has been unfrozen and returned to you. Please refrain from using such language in the future.
Abuse his authority siaaaaa. He think he is funny right? I swear the first sentence shocked me. I only type "OMG" and it doesn't contain any words that is inappropriate language. The examples that he had given are more vulgar than mine. I bet he uses it more than I do, for scolding kids that play neopets. The kids that received the email doesn't know what is the meaning of it and thought that it was some kind of words that the teachers will teach them later in the years to come. But it doesn't happen.
So anyway, don't forget password and this will avoid begging people cases. But the other day, I forgotten my school's password and laptop's password. I had to sit in class and think about what I used as my passwords. Passwords are such complicated things that has got upper case and lower case. Then still not enough, need at least one number containing in your password.
I always tend to forget my password and write it down in notebook. Then several months later, you need to change your password again for some security reasons. You forget again and you need to go IT helpdesk to beg for it.
But surprisingly, when it comes to games, I will not forget the password. Like as if the fingers will magically goes over the keyboard and swiftly type out the difficult combination of letters and number.
Taboo, Guess word game
Yesterday, we wanted to go for a talk but it was full. Teresa, yuenky, Sherman, Sophia and me went to the library and play some games. We took Taboo and had lots of fun guessing the words.
The game is easy. For example, I got the card that is shown above. I need to let people guess the word that is sort of like the title of the card. Those words below, I call it the sub words, you cannot say these words when you describe the title.
Now I got the card "snake", I say slimy and immediately people guess it. I suddenly thought of a better way to let people guess snake. I can say that "I am born in the year of ...". I guess it depend on how your friends know you and such.
I was looking at Qi's blog and saw the keywords. I begin to think about last time when there are people who type "Weijian" in google and got to my blog. Maybe that person is not searching about me or vice versa. But the main point is that he or she will chance upon my blog and it's something very funny.
There are other keywords that are very popular. It's especially so when I do an entry about Maplestory, Warcraft or Cabal. However, when I check my keywords section, it is not these words that appear. It is something very specific that I mention in my entry that make people chance to my page.
Then I figured out that there are millions of people talking about broad words like "Maplestory" and "Cabal". It gets so many that it always stacked up above you and no people will have the chance to even see yours in the search engine when they type those words. Besides, people always type a whole chunks of sentences into the search engine until the computer give up and shows that there is no related items found.
Anyway, I am surprised that people type "monster riding walkthrough leafre" and it has 2 hits. I remembered that I just barely type these words and had no really good information in it. Unlike the keyword like "mc king blog" when I actually give precise information on it and even give the link to MC king's blog.
After yesterday entry, there is an immediate keyword like "singapore flyer" in my nuffnang keywords. I guess it's quickly being covered up by other people who blog about the same thing. Remember the period of time when Mas selamat is so popular? If now I ridiculously do a blog entry about him, would it still be as popular as if I do an entry about Apple?
Picking keywords is so important and it is sometimes very difficult. You use the keyword to bring out the true meaning to express something. Sometimes, the keyword just couldn't be said out that easily. In the end, you go an extra miles to type a long sentence just to explain a word while people could easily do it with "thing".
I think the most common keyword is "things". People use "things" for almost anything and everything. When people ask you what you want to eat. "Anything". Where you want to go? "Erm... Anything lor". Actually, I think it's kind of cool to keep saying "Anything".
Java, HTML, Uses of words
In Java and HTML, a slight error in the use of words can caused the whole program to malfunction. It's frustrating especially when I am not a careful person. I think the greatest programmer is a very careful person. He will look at the ground everytime he walk, fearing that he might fall due to avoiding a snail. OR or, he checked his answers 100 times before handing up script that he didn't do much questions because he is more concern about checking answers.
I think one day, it will be an eye-opener for the world greatest programmers coming together to compete. They furiously type the code from beginning to end. In between, they send virus to each other as their tactics. They need to quickly type out another anti-virus to kill the virus on the spot before they can continue.
I think I am thinking too much about programming and it's making me having hallucination. I need a break. I am going IKea now.
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