Thursday, December 20, 2007
Yo Sunny! Your head's shape look like a bean! (Just joking). Here's the meaning of the individuals coloured beans...Green: Creation
Own anyhow interpretation: Green represent the trees and grass and the herbivores are usually in the beginning of the food chain, hence the beginning or creation of a cycle.
Real meaning: God created all things in the beginnning. He created man in His own image to have a personal relationship with Him. In this relationship we are assured of His abundant love and can live according to His design for mankind.
Black: Sin
Own anyhow interpretation: Black usually means dirty and not good. Just like sins, it's not good. Sometimes we hear people say: "You are a black-hearted person." I think this is where it originated. (Really anyhow bla~)
Real meaning: However, we chose to sin and live according to our own rebellious way. This resulted in the punishment of death.
Red: Blood
Own anyhow interpretation: Who doesn't know red represents blood? I smack your head.
Real meaning: Yet, God loved the world and on Christmas, he sent Jesus Christ into the world to die for our sin.
White: Cleanse
Own anyhow interpretation: Just like our singapore flag, white means purity. Another meaning of white should be fairness.
Real meaning: Because Jesus Christ took our punishment, we are cleansed of our sin and are forgiven by God.
Yellow: Heaven
Own anyhow interpretation: Yellow is such a bright colour! It kind of bring me hope when I see this colour. It is also my surname in chinese!
Real meaning: Our broken relationship is restored. We can now grow in our knowledge of God and live out the original design He had for man. Heaven is the abode of God and it will be the eternal home of all who believe in Jesus Christ.
Please note that the above words are not meant to be rude or discriminate any religion. We are all grown-ups who understand the results of discrimination. I, myself is a free thinker and the reasons for putting these words up is not to promote Christianity. I just merely copied it from somewhere as I think some parts are meaningful.
Part 2: I am ANGRY
My legs hurt from the hours of standing! I told myself not to care about that cb5069 and hope that my mood will be better but I can't. The image of him kept coming up and the more I think, the more I want to punch his face.
No, Cannot, I am not a violent person. I cannot have this kind of thoughts. (My toes are laughing, hehe) Ok, I am going to slack at work tomorrow. Since I get this kind of unfair treatment, I should not be so hardworking anymore since I am not being appreciated.
My sis told me: you have 2 ways, Either you complaint or you slack together lor. I choose the latter.
The problem is, I don't really know how to slack. I had been working diligently these few days. :(
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