Friday, December 7, 2007
Golden Compass
Today I went to watch The Golden Compass with hx and tb. Omg, it's a very very very nice movie. Nice is not enough. It's the best movie that I had watched for this year.
I don't care!!!! Everyone! GO WATCH THE MOVIE. It's so nice that I feel bad if I don't persuade you to watch it. If you don't watch it, I don't friend you. (just kidding). Please go watch! I don't want you all to miss it.
Anyway, you are at lost if you don't watch it. I was clutching my hands tightly and covering my mouth to prevent myself from making noises. I was totally engrossed in the movie that I did all the moves above. It's long time since I watch a movie that can give me the thrills and excitement.
About the movie...
I feel that this movie is worth seeing because it has a good storyline. I always love the extraordinary stuff and animals in the movie spice up the whole movie.
The girl in the movie is called Lyra. Everybody has an animal that will be seen near them. These animals is called daemon. The daemon represents a person's soul that lives outside of their body. When either the person or the daemon die, both will perish together. Now, isn't it a cool storyline here?
A daemon can changes shape. When the owner grows older, the daemon also grow old. When the daemon starts to grow older, they will settle on one form and this form is usually depended on the owner's character and nature.
For example, a person with dog daemon will tend to become some sort of policeman. This is what I observe in the movie. A person with cat daemon tend to be more independent. Also, a person's daemon is usually the opposite sex of it's owner.
I guess in the world that we are living now, it is also the same. We had a invisible daemon that represent our soul outside of our body.
I went to the official website for "The golden compass"
and found a program that can generate the demon which represent us. It's fun and my results is...
Is it true about me? It will be cool if I had a daemon like these!
The best character that I like in the movie is Iorek Byrnison! I don't know whether I can call it a character or not. It is a polar bear! I love it!!!! I want to have such a pet if I get the chance.

Another reason why I like it is because it gives me a firm secure from this character. Iorek is loyal to the person where it feels the need to protect. It's so cool to have someone who is so loyal and protective of you! You can sleep soundly without worrying about dangers.
So, after saying all these. The message that I want to bring across is that the movie is really a good one and deserve the attention.
What if the movie didn't receives the attention that it deserves? Then the producer will not feel the need to produce anymore such movies again!
And did I say there will be The Golden compass 2? Oh my... I forget to say that the movie ended with a cliff-hanger. Meaning that it is not finished yet. There will be a part 2 and I hope it will be a EVEN BETTER one!
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