Thursday, October 9, 2008

Get over and done with...

Yes, I am just giving myself half an hour to blog this out. By 12 mid night, I am going straight to bed. No delay or whatsoever. Let's get down to business.

Play dota with my classmates during 2nd break and after school. Lester came over to my class to do RJ because he does not have UT for the day. While we wait for the rest to finish their UT. After that, we walked over to CWP with much laughter.

The five of us namely Me, Sherman, Yuenky, Lester and Celine had Pastamania. After that we went over to fair price to buy HONEY STARS! This is the first time I saw people replaced popcorns with honey star!

Anyway, honey star was nice but not the movie "Big Stan" that we watched.


By the way, I did laughed at some point in time. However, due to the draggyness of the movie, I almost fell asleep dreaming of the stars like honey star advertisement. After knowing that it was Rob Schneider, it's really much more dissapointment because usually the movie that he acted in, it will be very hilarious. For example: Hot chicks. I swear I watched it 8 times!

But well, luckily I had the nebo card which allows up to 4 tickets to be 6 dollars. It was considered cheap for a movie.

On the other hand!

So fun la. They ranges from 1960s to 2000! Go try at

This time I had bold and coloured it, you can't missed it!


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