Sunday, September 7, 2008
My blog has been dead for a while because nothing interesting happened these few days. Maybe there is, but I sort of put it into the "not interested" catergory and brush it aside. When one is lazy and grumpy, all the things he or she does turns out boring anyway.
Thursday, 4 Sep
This is the first day of school. Feeling super tired before/during/after school. My lifestyles is not shifted back to those morning kind of school attending. To think it's only 3 weeks of holiday and I am not accustom to it already.
First day of school will always be first day. You feel so lonely, afraid and scary. From my class, I only knew one person and he is way back in my secondary school days. While I had heard other friends having their old classmates in the same class and they are so lucky.
Luckily, the first day ended in such a way I didn't remember much about. I just want it to end faster and rush home immediately to have a nap. After school, met Teresa, Yuenky and Lester to chiong home to the maximum. (I am so happy, trying out the new phrase by adding whatever to .... "to the maximum"
Friday, 5 Sep
This is the second day of the school. It is also the last day of the week. However, horrible things happened in the morning when I woke up and it is the rain. The rain made the day especially comfy to sleep in and wishes not to be drenched in the shoes while you are walking in the rainy day.
I was praying that friday's facilitator will be extra nice so that our rest of the 15 weeks will be going home early for fridays. Unfortunately, I was wrong. In fact, it went on and show that friday will become the SUCKIEST day of the week!
Our lesson ended at about 4:30pm and I think it is the record holder for the entire year whereby in terms of school releases. She went on and on and she is super "lor sor" Let's give an illustration of how she did it.
Student: *Presenting happily*
Faci: *Interupt halfway* erm, I have a question to ask. Why bla bla bla.. WHY AR?
Student: Oh!, because bla bla bla.
Faci: *Giving some kind of face as if she eaten wasabi and didn't like it* WHY AR?
Student: *Tried to explain in another way*
Faci: *Feeling annoyed because she took vinegar and thought that it was soy sauce*
This can went on for almost all the students in the class. That means, she can do this for about 15-20 times. She exaggerate by saying that she used to teach in tertiary school and this can goes on for 3 hours and it's only for one team. What's the use of showing us your powers by making us and yourself stay back for so long? Worst part is that she is new to the school and she is making us look like crazy fellows who doesn't want to chiong home to the maximum just because we are being held up by her.
However, I got to say something true. The way she teaches us are like drilling all the information into us. At the end of the day, the information stays inside and are hard to forget. She made us super nervous before the presentation and I was uber cold. If this carry on, I might need a bigger storage space like 1000GB in the brain to store all of the information?
But hey! Guess, Timothy really cheers me up when I saw him smile. I walked home with with brisk steps and was thinking about his arrival today.

I love the layers...

Don't you think he look abit like squirtle?
Saturday, 6 Sep
Woke up at 6:30am. IT WAS SATURDAY!!!!!111 Went to some face products event and I was to stay put at the registration counter. There, I met Gwen, who was a bubbly and friendly girl. We had to see the guest's confirmation slips and to check whether they are paying by cash, credit card or cheque. All in all, it was a busy day but it was certainly fun.
When I returned home, my aunt and cousin was at my house. Saw Timothy on his baby walker and it put a smile on my face. Having a baby at home makes the place livelier. After that, they went to IMM while I stayed home. Not long after they went, TB called me for dinner. I got prepared and went over to IMM where my mum is.
At there, we ate "Bao luo wan xiang" and I tried their Scallop fried noodle. Not really nice as there are salary. (Not the monetary kind but vegetables kind) Met someone interesting there.
My aunt was asking Tb to send her the 4D results for the day. Someone from another table kept looking over to our table. I thought it was kind of strange as he kept looking and looking. Finally, he gathered up his courage and went over to our table and he asked us whether he could take a look at today's 4D results.
He claimed that this is the first time he bought 4D and he doesn't know how to check the results at Teletext. My aunt teached him while Tb forward the 4D results to him. He kept thanking us and you could see from his face, he was really sincere. It was really good to see his appreciation and to think we thought that he was a suspicious guy who has ill intention of us. After he goes off, he replied another Thank you message to Tb.
Who knows if he really strike the 4D for that day, he might split his winnings with Tb? Ok! remember to give me some money if he reward you ar!
Anyway, Sis and her husband went over to fetch us as there was a heavy downpour. Mk also met us at IMM because he will be coming over to my house. Now, the van will be totally cramped up. 7 people at the back and 2 at the front.
After the long carpark jam, we finally managed to reach home. A while ago, Timothy was crying crazily because he wanted to sleep. All of us in the van is unable to make him stop. After awhile, he was tired after the crying and he entered his sleep.
As usual, we played cards throughout the night. My sis and his husband took turns to play. In the end, I won 5 or 15 dollars. I was uncertain as I kind of forget. Anyway, it was super tiring!
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