Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have been missing in action (MIA) for 3 days from blog. I guess I was really busy. And I think busy was just an excuse. Actually I have been very lazy and kept delaying from days to days. But to say the ultimate truth, I had been immense in a game called HABBO hotel recently!

Not that it was really important but I left my handphone at my sis's car and hence I couldn't post timothy's photo. That makes me having no interest in blogging without pictures. It's just like smiling without front teeth.

But things couldn't been easier when we kept having the thoughts of another holiday coming in 6 weeks time. I know it's not the time to think about it now but having a goal in mind makes it possible for big things. What's even greater is that after "that holiday", I will just need to go back to school for 3 weeks and POOF!, another 2 months holiday!

Just thinking about the "shiok-ness" of the fast arriving holiday makes me shake uncontrollably until I vomit. By that time, it will be around Christmas or Chinese new year whereby it further excites me!

For now, enjoy a photo comic.

Ring Ring~~
Mum: Timothy! Your call.

Timothy: Who is it? TskTsk

Mum: How I know? You listen first.

Mum: HAHAH! It's not a phone! It's a banana!


And also when I went out with sis today, I came across an amazing lorry. See below

The lorry has a lot of things. There are even trolleys at the top of the lorry. I supposed it should be yellow in colour, but because it was a very old and dirty one, it turns BLACK!.



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