Friday, February 1, 2008

viwawa competition

Wow, I just saw the Best of blog competition Jan-Feb 2008 when I was going to play Big 2.5. I wondered if I should give it a try on a blog entry about Viwawa. Seems like viwawa always like to give out iPod shuffle as prizes. I would suggest giving out cash instead *drools

Maybe I will start with how I get to know of this website. I heard of this website when I was playing Maplestory. The people in maplestory was bored of training and they decided to play Big 2.5 since we can meet together in a room and play together. So whenever, someone wins, they will "Alt tab" and uses mesos (Maplestory's money) to pay up. Each cards worth 50k maybe?

That is like one stone killing two birds? You get to play maplestory to earn money and at the same time, viwawa to gain levels and golds.

Putting that aside, what I really loves is that we can customize our "wawa" with the looks that we always wanted to. Let me show off my little cute wawa and tells you the origins of it.

Firstly, my wawa kind of got a shock. He has those "got a shock" eyes which I really like. The mole on the right side of the face brings luck when I am playing Big 2.5 or Wahjong. With a small puddle of snow on the bald head, it adds abit of humour to the overall looks. And lastly, to top it all, I choose the pet that comes in six. It's really an ultimately buy because it costs 750 golds only!!! I name it blacky and I do not meant to be racist. I just want to be extraordinary because most of the people will choose the lighter skin colours.

I don't usually like to use cash for online games and viwawa made it possible. They make it so by giving us the options to either use cash or golds to buy things. I like it this way because it is free and I do not need to worry about money to buy those prepaid cards. As such, games shouldn't be too expensive and causes people to worry about the payments. Games should be something for relaxation.

Another unique things about viwawa is that you can chat with your friends. At viwawa, we are able to experience different types of chatting styles.

You can punch, whip, bite, poke or slap your friends at the click of a button. They might even response to you by doing those moves back on you! You can even do a wallpost if you want to wish your friends happy birthday or happy new year! There are of course other service like the normal private message that works like MSN.

When it comes to viwawa, it is especially popular in polytechnics. As our school needs everyone of us to use the laptop, we logged on the viwawa and sacrifice our precious break time. We know that this kind of behaviour is bad but the games in viwawa was too attractive. What's more, we can always create a room and ask the people in class to play. That really help us to bond together really well as we discovered some really good strategies for playing the games.

Since we are at it, we might as well share some tips and strategies of Big 2.5. I find it quite different from the usual big 2 that we played. Big 2.5 makes us want to throw away all the 2s as soon as possible because the more 2s that you are left with, the more golds and experiences you will get minus away. It makes the game more challenging this way as people feel scare to save the 2s for rainy days.

This is what I deem as a good hand.

But a good hand does not assure a win. Sometimes you might meet up with unexpected surprises that might cause your good hand to become rotten hand. For example, in Big 2.5, there is such things called "skills" whereby you can change your cards into the ones you desired. You can also review your opponent's cards which will make them very angry. Of course all of these comes with a heavy price. You need to buy these "skills" with your precious golds.

I, personally, do not like to play with people who uses "skills". So i will look for games that is on the "classic mode" and not "Big 2.5" mode.

Well, you can know more about viwawa by going to the website at There are pretty good guides there that will teach you more. In less than a day, you will be able to become the king of gamblers~


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