Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday!
Today is Good friday! There is a chance that my sis's baby will be born today. My mum called my sis this morning and heard that the doctor put some pills or don't know what to force the baby to come out by making the water bag burst. I don't think it has any side effects if not my sis wouldn't do it. I guess now is up to the baby to decide when he want to come out and cry!
Yesterday, my sis was still playing with the baby pillow. A pillow that has a small curb that can perfectly put the baby's head. She kind of put the pillow at the stomach for awhile and said: "Okay, Enough liao, don't let you sleep.", then laugh like those people who had strike lottery.
I wonder if the baby can know what you are talking about if you keep talking to it near the womb area. Like the husband keep saying something and then the baby reacted with a kick or punch. Or maybe it was coincidence.
I do think that the baby can know what is happen inside the womb. I was once a baby inside the womb and I had a feeling. All I can see is darkness and I couldn't speak. I know I may sound ridiculous but all that I had said is truth! Just that we wouldn't know we are a baby. If you have that feeling, please tell me. I would like to confirm if I am a alien from Jupiter.
I happen to read about this superstition that if a baby is born on Good Friday and baptized on Easter Sunday they will have the gift of healing. Maybe the healing here do not refer to having magical powers but ability to console people like healing their hearts.
Good Friday is a Christian holiday that observes the anniversary of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Christ was the Son of God who came to earth to die and take away people's sins. The Bible says that he arose from the dead three days later, on Easter Sunday, and ascended to heaven. This is pretty much the fundamental story of Christianity. Christians started observing Good Friday in the fourth century AD. In 2008, Good Friday is observed on March 21st.
What's So Good About It?
Since Good Friday is a holiday marking the execution of the Christian messiah, it seems a little odd to call it "Good." Experts believe either that the holiday was once called God Friday, which later mistakenly became known as Good Friday, or that it is considered good because Christ's sacrifice allows believers to go to heaven and live eternally. Not such a great thing for him, but good news for Christians! In other countries it is know as Long Friday, Silent Friday or Holy Friday.
How to Observe It
Christians observe Good Friday by attending special church services. Some services last three hours, which is the amount of time Jesus spent on the cross. Some people go to solemn parades (no clowns or balloons here) or eat special meals with family.
Taken from:
The reason why I decided to copy and paste the information about Good Friday is because I do not know the full details of it. I am not a Christian but I am curious to know about it. You see, people at work are given today as a public holiday. We need to know what is happening and being the "sigh, it's so troublesome" type, I know it today.
Interesting facts
The controversial Mel Gibson flick, The Passion of Christ, revolves around the events that took place on the original Good Friday.
I, personally had seen this flick. I especially felt the sharp pain when they hammer the nails into Jesus Christ. Although I covered my eyes around that part and peep through my fingers.
Hot cross buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday.
Ok, so hungry after this!
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